As a celebration of the achievements made by women in the MENA business community, Entrepreneur Middle East’s Achieving Women Awards will recognize the region’s female figures who are setting themselves up as role models for the rest of us to follow.
The Achieving Women KSA Awards 2024 will seek to honor and recognize women who are making a name for themselves on the MENA business landscape in the various sectors of.
- Architecture
- AI
- Apps Aviatio
- Banking
- Construction
- Consultancy
- Design
- Education
- Engineering
- Entrepreneurship
- Ecosystem Fintech
- F&B
- Healthcare
- Hospitality Law
- Logistics
- Marketing
- Private Equity Project
- Management
- Public Relations
- Retail
- Social Enterprise
- Social Media
- Influencer Tech
- Venture Capital
Achieving Women KSA Awards Categories 2024
Angel Investment
Contribution to Business
Digital Influence
Diversity and Inclusion
Entrepreneurship Ecosystem
Facility Management
Corporate Fashion
Human Capital
Impact Investment
Private Equity
Real Estate
Social Enterprise
Social Impact
Venture Capital
Women Empowerment
Achieving Women award in Finance
- Advertisement package inclusive of six full print pages to be used at the Platinum Ally's discretion within a period of six months in any Entrepreneur MENA edition
- Onsite product branding alternatives
- Placement of logo on event advertisements preceding the event by one month
- Placement of logo in event email shots to the Entrepreneur MENA mailing list
- Mentions in press releases and subsequent published materials
- Social media Platinum Ally placement mentions on a total of five Entrepreneur MENA platforms
- Placement of logo on event print and digital invitations
- Placement of logo on event site branding
- Ally seating affords two full tables for the Platinum Ally that will accommodate 20 guests
- Video footage and imagery of the event released for promotional usage
- Pre and post event coverage to be featured on our websites and dispersed via relevant social media channels
- Pre and post event coverage in print editions of Entrepreneur MENA
- Onsite product branding alternatives
- Placement of logo on event advertisements preceding the event by one month
- Placement of logo in event email shots to the Entrepreneur MENA mailing list
- Mentions in press releases and subsequent published materials
- Social media placement mentions on a total of five Entrepreneur MENA platforms
- Placement of logo on event print and digital invitations
- Placement of logo on event site branding
- Ally seating affords one full table for the Gold Ally that will accommodate 10 guests
- Video footage and imagery of the event released for promotional usage
- Pre and post event coverage to be featured on our websites and dispersed via relevant social media channels
- Pre and post event coverage in print editions of Entrepreneur MENA
- Placement of logo on event advertisements preceding the event by one month
- Mentions in press releases and subsequent published materials
- Placement of logo on event print and digital invitations
- Placement of logo on event site branding
- Ally seating affords one full table for the Silver Ally that will accommodate 10 guests
- Video footage and imagery of the event released for promotional usage
- Pre and post event coverage to be featured on our websites and dispersed via relevant social media channels
- Pre and post event coverage in print editions of Entrepreneur MENA
Achieving Women Awards